Apartness Color Sundays

Well, all the art for Apartness is done. All that remains now is to make it into an actual book.

In the grand tradition of the Sunday funnies, I've colored the larger half-page strips that I made for Apartness. This is how they'll appear in the book. Here you can compare them to the black and white versions. Click on an image and then hit the arrow keys to see them fade from black and white to full blazing color. Fun times!

Old, Jaded and In Full Color

I've been reading and hearing from folks I know — and noticing based on my own clicks even — that color is ​a big attractor on the web. People are more likely to click something if it's in color. And it just so happens, I like coloring my comics (though I also love simple black and white stuff). So I'm going to start using color a bit more in my work.

​And so I give you, Old, Jaded Batman in full blazing — yes, blazing! — color. 

A word on my process: This piece was drawn with ink on paper. It was then scanned into the computer, gently processed and posted. The processed image was then imported into Procreate and colored on the iPad.​