Scripts Part 6: Archiver

A hint on MacOSXHints yesterday discussed using tar to create backups in Mac OS X. The poster was frustrated with the OS X-bundled version of the zip command, and confused by the way the Finder creates .zip files. Indeed, the Finder does not use the zip command to create its .zip files, and indeed it is confusing. And, more importantly, the zip command does not preserve all-impotant Mac OS X resource forks.

After reading this hint I was reminded of a script I wrote a while back based on yet another MacOSXHints hint that uses ditto to create Finder-like .zip archives. So it seemed like a good time to post the script here and add it to the waning ScriptSharing series.

So here it is: my Archive script. It will both archive and expand folders or files using ditto, and it places these archives on the Desktop.

Archiver Script
See the code